Sweet Soft World

Friday, June 09, 2006

How Can I Learn Programming?

Introduction to programming

All applications on your computer were created through programming, they were all designed by diffrent kinds of langauges, for instance your browser, your games, and your programs. all of them orignated from a langauge. a computer langauge is what you use to communicate with your computer, since you cant say to your computer build me a game and it would build you a game cause it doesnt understand you. computers function on a language called binary, what's binary? binary is a langauge, this langauge uses a very simple seqence using one's and zero's, the 1' and 0's could repersent lets say like close and open or off and on. like a car all its switches have only two functions, its pulleys only go two ways, its valves only open and close and a computer is based on the same seqence. but we can't learn binary it's to hard it would take as long as learning a brand new langauge like french or german. so some people thought of a good idea we could create are own langauge to communicate with the computer instead of it trying to learn english or us trying to learn binary. so we came up with tons of langauges to do this with like C, C++, VB, Perl, PHP, Python, .NET, and much more.

how do these langauges work, well first of all, the computer doesn't understand these langauges either but we do, so how does the computer understand it? it uses a compiler, a compiler converts that language into binary and feeds it to the computer, every lanaguage has it's own compiler like VB.NET(my langauge) uses visual studio.NET as a compiler. now i bet you can't wait to learn your own langauge eh? when you know a langauge you can use to to do ulimited things, you'll understand your computer and your computer will understand you. you'll have full control of everything and anything. it's a wonderfull feeling. you can create simple apps like a pinger, or more advanced things like browsers or bots then you can even design more things like games or even your own OS(operating system)... the things you can do are endless.

now what will you need to learn a langauge? well it all depends on what langauge you want to learn there's a bunch of them out there. most people that start out usually choose VB(visual basic) there's not alot of coding in VB but it gets the job done. I myself tried to learn C++, that wasn't a very good idea really mixed me up but, anyways i learned .NET instead, you can use 3 lines of code which would take VB a page of code.

did you decide what langauge you want to learn? if so i suggest going to future shop or any stores that sell software and asking for the langauge and it's compiler. also picking up a book on the langauge would be smart. will buying the compiler look at the reqiurments it shows you what you need to run it, some need windows 95/98 some need windows XP, also other important info should be on there how much RAM you need and etc.

Source: http://www.library.2ya.com/


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